
Música Pop/Rock - Dedicado a todas as verdadeiras famílias!

Dedicado à minha verdadeira familia, "Ode to my family", The Cramberries:

Depois de "Dreams" dos Fleetwood Mac, apreciem os sonhos dos "Cramberries"; dedicado aos sonhadores, like me!

Linger, com Dolores e Simon le Bon (para os mais antigos, este senhor era o vocalista dos "Duran, Duran"), dedicado aos amantes de música!

É das interpretações de "Avé Maria de Shubert", a mais bela, pela doce voz feminina de Dolores O'Riordan dos Cramberries! É dedicada a todas as mulheres que conheço!

Dedicado aos meus mais próximos:

Dedicado a todos os loucos que a nossa sociedade pseudo-evoluída, cria:

Eric Clapton e Zuchero, num apelo ao homem perdido!

"Ode To My Family The Cranberries

Understand the things I say,
Don't turn away from me
'Cause I spent half my life out there
You wouldn't disagree
D'you see me, d'you see
Do you like me, do you like me standing there
D'you notice, d'you know
Do you see me, do you see me
Does anyone care

Unhappiness, where's when I was young
And we didn't give a damn
'Cause we were raised
To see life as fun and take it if we can
My mother, my mother she hold me,
Did she hold me when I was out there
My father, my father, he liked me
Oh he liked me, does anyone care

Understand what I've become,
It wasn't my design
And people everywhere think
Something better than I am,
But I miss you. I miss
'Cause I liked it, cause I liked it
When I was out there
D'you know this, d'you know
You did not find me, you did not find
Does anyone care

Unhappiness, was when I was young
And we didn't give a damn
'Cause we were raised
To see life as fun and take it if we can
My mother, my mother she hold me,
Did she hold me when I was out there
My father, my father, he liked me
Oh he liked me
Does anyone care, does anyone care?"


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